Advancing Humanity through Industry-University-IEEE partnership
Industry-university-IEEE forms a symbiotic relationship. Universities train student brains while industries employ them and IEEE-like organizations give them opportunities to strive in the external world away from their industries or regular profession. IEEE strives for humanity and therefore this symbiotic relationship tries to help for the betterment of society. This talk covers efforts on how IEEE and Circuit and Systems Society (CAS) are exploring industry participation in many society activities, leading practical ways, student mentorship, internship, training, and hiring of students. This talk will summarize the attempts made through various activities in and outside of the US to have meaningful collaboration with industry-university and IEEE. Great opportunities exist through the SRC and JUMP programs which are directly connected to industry universities. Many outreach programs are related to IEEE/society activities. Examples of such successful activities as well as planned future activities this year will be given in this talk. All these examples indicate that the role of industry-university and IEEE is critical in advancing science and technology.