Journal Special Issue

Authors of selected accepted ISCAS 2025 papers will be invited to submit a paper for possible publication either in:

IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems – Part I (TCAS-I)

IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems – Part II (TCAS-II)

IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS)

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI)

Invitations will be made by a team of Guest Associate Editors on the basis of the timeliness and quality of technical results presented, the outcome of the review process and the recommendations of the Review Committee Members (RCMs) and Track Chairs (TCs) who were involved in the review process itself.

Upon notice of paper acceptance to the conference (in the case of TCAS-I/II and TVLSI) or right after ISCAS (for TBioCAS), authors of the selected papers will receive an invitation and detailed instructions on how to submit an extended manuscript derived from their ISCAS paper to IEEE Author Portal for one of the participating journals.


While the different journals offer different article lengths and formats to fit the specific cases of each article’s subject matter, for all cases, the journal manuscript shall meaningfully expand its technical contents compared to the corresponding ISCAS paper with the addition of unpublished non-trivial results. Emphasis will be placed on differentiating the journal manuscript from the ISCAS paper by clearly developing the original results in terms of scientific rigor, clarity, depth, breadth and quality of the original information.