Author Registration Policy
An accepted paper will be published in the conference proceedings on IEEE Xplore only if the following two conditions are met:
- The full-fee (which can be the fee of CAS, IEEE Member, or Non-Member, but NOT Student Member or IEEE Life Member) registration payment for the presenting author is received and correctly processed by February 14, 2025. This policy is applicable for all accepted papers.
- The author presents the paper in person at the conference venue.
Not meeting either of the above two requirements result in the paper to be flagged as “no show” and removed from publishing in the conference proceedings on IEEE Xplore.
Covering The Expenses for Paper Presentation & Publication
One author registration will cover the publication expenses of up to two accepted papers. For each additional accepted paper associated with the same registration, a $150 USD fee will be charged. In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.
Invitation Letters
IMPORTANT: Visa letters will only be issued once you have registered and paid all necessary fees.
Letters can be downloaded directly from the registration confirmation email.
Registration Problems & Further Information
For further information concerning your registration, please, contact the ISCAS Conference Manager: Caroline Kravec,
Cancellation Policy
All refund/cancellation requests must be received by May 1, 2025. There will be an administrative fee of $150 USD deducted from each refund requested by the deadline. Refunds can not be processed after May 1, 2025.
You can modify or cancel your registration using the “Already Registered?” link on the registration site.
A paid registration can be transferred to another member of the same company up until May 1, 2025. To transfer a registration please contact Please note that onsite, only the individual listed on the name badge can use the privileges provided by the paid fee.
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